Saturday, December 28, 2002

So tonight was just a really interesting and wonderful time with old friends. I think Corinna, Jessica, Wendy, and I chatted for like 5 hours. A lot of things were covered, but we really kept coming back to the idea of relationships, how they develop, mature, etc. Relationships on all levels, from family, to friends, to significant others. It was really relaxing in a way. Kind of feel like that open dialogue with friends isn't always there. Given, Wendy said that most of the conversation was about factual, "undeep" things, I kind of felt that a lot of people I know would not be willing to share all that information or maybe I'm afraid of asking. I guess it really doesn't matter. Fact is, I think people are to cautious nowadays with the things they say. We really all need to be a little more honest with each other and ourselves. It goes back to my whole argument on relationships where you just need to cut through the crap. Too much over thinking, too many games. We miss out on the great moments that way.

Getting sidetracked, we came up with an interesting conclusion tonight. If the majority of the USA does not know where a nation is, then we can't go to war with them. I think this is a valid point. This all stems from a poll that said that like 40% of Americans don't know where Iraq is. We can be so stupid all the time. It really is sad, the state of this nation and the fact that so many people are blind to that fact. Makes me lose faith in our system.

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