I Love Long Weekends...
Currently Listening To:
My Chemical Romance- "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" Album
I think I've said it before, but the one benefit of working is that I appreciate my free time so much more, and long weekends definitely have new meaning. Since this past weekend was Labor Day, I decided to take a trip down south to Washington D.C. to visit people. I need to send out a quick thank you to Phil, Bobby, and Sabrina for showing me a good time this past weekend and a huge thank you to Anna for giving me a place to crash.
So the plan for the weekend was to drive down to DC (about a 5 1/2 hour drive from CT) to hang out with some Williams friends. I had the day off on Friday, but before I could leave, I had to take another test for work. I was a little nervous about the test because last time I didn't do as well as I wanted (though I passed) and because I had been a little sick the past week, having a horrible case of insomnia, but thankfully, the test went well and I passed. That's two test down and two left to go for my job; however, my next test isn't until the end of October so I've got some time.
Overall, my weekend in DC was amazing. I got to chill with some good friends from school, partied and ate very well, and even went to the gay strip club with Bobby (that was definitely an... experience), but fun none the less. (Thanks Bobby!) Anyways, now I'm back home and enjoying the extra day off with a nice bottle of wine and some wonderful food. God I love a day off from work...
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