Thursday, August 25, 2005

If They Don't Say It's News, It's Not News...

Currently Listening To:

Here's a couple of "indie-rock" tracks that I've been blasting from my car, with the windows down, on my back and forth from work. Download if you want to listen.

Bloc Party- Banquet
Clap Your Hands And Say Yeah!- The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth

If you remember the London tube bombings from back in July, then you remember the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, a Brazilian citizen, who was mistaken by London police to be one of the suspected bombers. When I first read the initial reports when this all happened, I was shocked. Right away it didn't feel right. While I couldn't reconcile the reports that Menezes had fled police, jumped a turnstile, and was wearing a heavy, padded jacket, even early reports had stated that he had been subdued (aka pinned down) before he was subsequently shot 8 times! (7 times in the head and once in the shoulder) I can't even figure out how you shoot someone 7 times in the head at close range. But early reports alluded that there was just cause to suspect Menezes as one of the bombers because he came out of a house that was under surveillance and was followed closely by police. Turns out those earlier reports have some serious issues of credibility. According to a report from The Guardian (UK), Menzes did not jump a turnstile, was not wearing a heavy coat, did not run from police, and was not properly identified by police when he left his house because the officer conducting the surveillance was "relieving himself" at the time. Hopefully, this gets more coverage as more info comes out. Another interesting report coming out about the Menzes case are possible allegations that London police erased surveillance tapes from the cameras in the tube.

On another news related note, I never thought I would say this, but thank god for Bob Costas. Every now and then he fills in for Larry King and a couple nights ago, he refused to fill in for King because the topic was Natalee Halloway. While Costas is not the first to note the overabundant coverage of the Halloway story or the double-standard applied to missing person stories, I'm glad he refused to cover the story. I don't care about Natalee Halloway. I don't care about the "runaway bride." I don't care about this stupid stories, and I'm sick of news outlets spending so much time on these stories instead of covering more important stores (like above). I think the argument that this is what the audience wants to see doesn't hold water because as much as I hate being dictated to, I think journalists have not only a duty to report the news, but also to apply a filter, pushing stories of relevance rather than mini-dramas. Anyways, that my little soap box for the day

As far as my life, things are falling into a routine which is driving me nuts. And even with the routine schedule, I still can't go to bed before 1 AM most nights and find myself struggling every morning to get up and make it out the door in time so I'm not late to work. Thankfully, the people I work with help pass the time, but man, I'm not sure how I'm going get used to this. I'm just not used to having my day planned out or being on "other people's time." I also miss having people to talk to about things that really interest me, like music. I'm kind of nerd when it comes to that. I probably ready a couple dozen articles or blogs every day that talk about music, especially hip hop. Most people don't care about this, so I just have to read it and keep it to myself. Really really sucks.

Also, while I like my apartment and my roommate, it's still pretty lonely here in CT. It's just not that easy to meet people. Not really sure what to do. As much as I like the people I work with, I see them for the majority of the week so while I'd like to hang out with them on the weekends, it would get a little old if the people from work were all that comprised my social life. And going to NYC, Boston, or anywhere else, while doable, is not the most realistic thing to be doing every weekend.

Hopefully I'll find some more things to occupy my time and to meet people. I'm probably going to start volunteering at a soup kitchen in a week or two once I've meet with the volunteer coordinator. I also have a bunch of project I'm trying to get started/finish. The projects highest on the list are to get my pictures posted online as well as publish my web site which I've had various versions of sitting on my computer for the last 2 years.


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