Grey Goose and a whole lot of hydro...
Currently Listening To:
Damien Marley ft. Black Thought - "Pimpass Paradise"
The last week was kind of crazy and definitely not a typical week for me. Last week I worked maybe a maximum of 16 hours all week because for three days, my company took me and about 150 other employees to Cape Cod for our annual meeting. It was a really fun time because I had never been to the Cape before that. We went to a beautiful resort and during the mornings, we had meetings on various topics and the rest of the days were spent lounging on the beach, eating meals under this huge tent and then "social hours" that went for 6 hours. The "social hours" weren't as fun as I thought they would be, partly because you don't want to get drunk at a company event (which some people did) and partying with 40-somethings is...well, its not the same as partying in college. But no worries about that because after I got back from the Cape, I had only a half-day at work and then drove back up to Williamstown to visit.
I wasn't sure what it would be like going back to Williamstown. It feels like I've been gone for a really long time, but classes just started for people, so when people saw me, they all wanted to know why I was back. In my defense, I was supposedly back for an alumni leadership weekend, though I didn't make it to any of the events. However, after I got over the feeling of being an awkward alum trying to relive college, I had a good time. I spent a lot of time hanging out with my frosh (who are now juniors!) We had a little reunion on Friday night were we started our mission of destroying that huge bottle of Grey Goose pictured above. My frosh signed the bottle for me and it's sitting on my "mantle" now in my apartment.
I definitely had a good time partying with my frosh, but probably the best (and weirdest) part of the weekend was how I ended up partying with the men's tennis team. At first I didn't remember any of them, but one of them, Grady, was from Minnesota and I sort of remembered him. Real nice guy though. He went to Blake with Dave Thome and he and his dad run a hedge fund in Minneapolis. He gave me his business card so if I ever need a new job, he's getting a call. And then there was Matt, who I vaguely remember partying with last year in Mission, and his brother Craig...nice thing is that they're from Manchester, CT where I live now! And then there was Steve, who kindly reminded me that we had gone through DrinkSmart together last year, who also lives in CT, over in West Hartford. And of all people, we ran into Bynum who graduated with me. I always seems to run into Bynum in weird places. We sat next to each other during graduation, I ran into him in the back streets of Florence, and then I ran into him this past weekend. Anyways, we ended up taking shots (and I think toasting to Dean Dave) in Bryant and then we went over and hung out with Grant (Sanders). All in all, a very fun night and weekend.
Hey Darlin
Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm still reading. Now you see why I like the Cape so much? Where on the cape were you? Were you at Ocean's Edge? I miss my husband wihtout sexual benefits, hit me back some time.
Yep, stayed at good ol' Ocean's Edge.
And how crazy is it ath of all people, I ran into Bynum...reminded me of when we were in Florence...anyways, hope you're doing well
i'm so glad i saw you this weekend! and will again in a couple.
weird how you're the one i'm seeing the most now...and i said we wouldn't be friends forever the first week i met you...
- tam
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