Sunday, May 07, 2006

Work Rotation: Week 5- Atlanta

My fifth week of travel for work has come to an end. It seems weird to say, but I can't wait for this whole rotation thing to end. I had been looking forward to this rotation for months, but now I realize that six weeks of living out of a suitcase gets old. As boring as Connecticut can be, I'll be happy to get back there, to get back to my own bed, and to be able to cook my own meals. However, even with the travel wearing me down, this first week in Atlanta has been a good experience.

Atlanta is not what I had expected. I'm not sure what I expected, but I thought that Atlanta would conform somehow to my perception of the South. That has not been the case. Atlanta is a huge city that has a lot of suburban sprawl. I remember one of my friends telling me once that Atlanta is not the South. It's a big city and is like every big city in America. I think that has some truth. Large cities, even if located in different part of the country, have a similar vibe. My office is located in one of the northern, and probably one of the wealthier, suburbs of Atlanta, Buckhead. I think I've seen more mansions and luxury cars in this last week than I have seen anywhere else. It's pretty ridiculous the amount of money that is here. McMansions as far as the eye can see.

The office has been pretty relaxed. Like the other offices, its relatively small and people are in and out of the office all the time, so it usually averages on 5 people total in the office. However, I think the Atlanta office does a better mix of work and play than the New York and San Francisco offices. I think if I was working here long-term, I'd actually learn a lot because the underwriters here are really smart.

Besides work, I've managed to get out a little, but I've been really tired from the traveling and going out every night hasn't been a priority. It doesn't help that I don't really know anyone in Atlanta either. Besides a couple of small adventures, I've spent most nights relaxing and keeping up with the NBA playoffs. Some things I've done in Atlanta:

-lots of eating out on the company bill
-hung out at Olympic Centennial Park
-visited the Georgia Aquarium
-visited and toured the CNN Center
-Cinco de Mayo client-schmoozing at Nava
-drinks with Stanley at Phipp's Tavern

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