Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Operation NYC: Part IV- Mixed Signals

Things have been looking good lately in terms of the move. I talked with Ryan last night and told him of my plans. He seemed pretty cool with it all and it might turn out working out well for both of us. One of his friends is thinking of buying a condo in CT and originally, Ryan had considered moving in with him, but the timing was off. Since I told him that I'd be willing to go on a flex lease for a month or two since moving out by June seems too soon for me, it might solve his timing issue as well. He's got to talk with his friend, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

In terms of a job, I made some good headway (I think) in California, talking with some people. I've been getting back into the networking habit and I think I have some good leads and I just got an e-mail from a guy I went to college with and he said he'd also hook me up with some contacts so I'm trying to stay positive. However, I got a call from my boss yesterday and as always, he just kept giving me mixed signals.

Basically, he called me up to see if my thoughts had changed on placement after my trip was over. I told him no and he said that things still looked the same. Okay, so what next? He mentioned that once I got back, I'd get a chance to sit down with our CEO and a couple of our VPs and get to talk about my career goals and what not. That sounded good, but still, he wasn't very optimistic about a transfer. After talking with the other trainees, I found out that they got the same spiel. They are also in the same mindset as me. If a transfer were offered, they'd jump at the opportunity. I don't blame them; CT is just not that great of a place for young people. I'm not sure if my boss really understands that.

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