Tuesday, March 11, 2003

So earlier tonight I was saying that I want to cry, but now, seeing as it is 4:30 am and I still have a lot to do, I want to die. I have midterms next week which I am so ill-prepared for. Add on to that my homework for this week, plus all this shit for AASiA, and my days are incredibly long. Oh, did I mention that I'm still sick? I'm coughing every 10 minutes, sometimes so much that I'm afraid my throat might close shut. Anyways, right now I'm trying to put plans together for April and at the top of the list is bringing Jin tha MC to perform. He is quickly becoming the bain of my existence. I spent all night talking to people about him, working out ideas, etc. I didn't get to start my work till like 1:30 am. Tomorrow (or today to be more exact) is going to be hell. I have three classes, then I need to meet witht he head of the Asian Studies dept. to ask for money for AASiA, ask for money for my summer program, and then ask him to sign my study abroad forms. Also need to meet with Prof. Kunzel and ask her for money, go to CASO, have an HC meeting, and then to ACE to present the Jin plan and ask for more money. I'm a fuckin begger.
What's even more painful is all this JA stuff. I find out next week, but it doesn't look good. So many guys applied this year which means the competition is high. Some friends, on the JA selection committee, told me not to worry but I can't stop. I want it so damn bad. God damn! Plus, I need to send in my forms and deposit for ACC by next week, but all the scholarships and grants I'm applying for won't make decisions till April. Need to call home tomorrow to talk things through.

Today was also Pat's funeral. I don't think it has fully hit me. It'd be too much right now if it did. My heart is at home right now, with Keith, Adam, and Erica...I miss you Pat.

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