Saturday, March 01, 2003

Wow, its been a while since I've made a real entry. Well, these past few weeks have been so busy. I've been working my ass off like never before and now my schedule is all screwed up. I've started going to bed at 6 am and waking up at 9 am to go to class. Maybe catch an hour nap in the afternoon and then do it all over again. It's crazy, but I think my body is adjusting, which might no be the best thing in the world. Some good things though: finished my study abroad application and sent that in, applied for a scholarship from Morgan Stanley (though I still hate them, but I'll gladly take their money), applied for some study abroad scholarships, and applied for a new job. That last part is probably not the best idea since I barely have enough time to do stuff right now, but I need the money.

I did do something different today. I went out. Haven't gone out on a weekend in over a month. Haven't drank either. I only had though one drink. I spent most of the night with Kyle and Kayla, eating Indian food and watching TV. It was fun; its becoming my normal weekend activity. But eventually Candice got me to go hang out with the Asians. We were like 2 hours late, so it wasn't as much fun. We hung out at Spice Root, listening to music, but it's still uncomfortable hanging out with all those people, the Asians, since I always feel like an outsider when I'm around them. So I called it an early night and walked back with Tiffany.

So lately, I've felt a little unbalanced. A lot of my friends are worrying about the summer ans some about their futures, jobs, etc. I really don't have much of a handle on any of those things. I'm also feeling the urge to get to know new people, but it really isn't happening and in turn, I think I'm starting to take my good friendships for granted. On another note, I haven't heard from some of my good friends in a while. Makes me sad. I also think I'm doing a better job of dealing with my girl issues. A lot of it has to do with letting go and being okay with no control. This applies to a lot of things going on lately. I also realized that I need to be humbled. A lot. Really need it.

On another note, I am not looking forward to April. Planning April for AASiA has been the biggest headache and is really causing a lot of tension. Ughh.

But to end things an something good, I'm going to see Corinna tomorrow in Albany and I get to meet Albert.

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