Wednesday, March 01, 2006

All I’m doing right now is basically just wasting electricity

That was never truer than today. To be clear, my old co-worker Steve said that one day while at work, but I felt the same today. I think I did about 20 minutes of work today. That's 20 minutes of busy work and actual work. The rest of the day was spent surfing the net. I never knew until today that I could get bored with the internet.

Why so little work? Well, it's not necessarily my work's fault; its more of just a case of bad timing. I finished a major project on Monday; I no longer have CPCU tests to study for; and my bosses are out of town. But still, I seriously felt guilty being at work today cause I was getting paid to read Oh well, hopefully things pick up tomorrow otherwise its going to be another short day.


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