Monday, January 16, 2006

Things Are Changing

I'm not going to make a long post tonight since I'm really busy these days (surprisingly!) But things are starting to change, I think for the better. I've started to get actual projects to work on and been given some support from my bosses which has given me a lot more initiative to approach other people I work with to get on their projects. Because of that, I've been really busy lately. I'm currently working on two main projects at work and by next week, I'll probably have two more to add to the list. So it's good. Being busy really makes work much more bearable. But with the good there always comes to the bad. That's for another post coming soon.

Other than that, things are pretty good. I'll be in Vegas this weekend for 3-4 days celebrating my dad's birthday. A better post later this week...promise.


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