Fuck The Police TSA

TSA Agent: It's suggested that you take your shoes off and put them through the scanner.
Me: That's okay. They won't set off the alarm.
TSA Agent (not pleased): If you walk through with those shoes on, the alarm will go off.
I walk through with my shoes still on and the alarm goes off.
TSA Agent (smirks and yells): This one needs a second check. He wouldn't take his shoes off.
The key words are "suggested" and "will." My theory is that the TSA agent had the scanner beep intentional so that she could contineu you her power trip. At first glance, this doesn't seem that bad of a situation and it may even seem like I was being an asshole. I conceded a little to that last point, but this whole situation pissed me off. First off, I was not trying to be an asshole. I wore the shoes because I knew they wouldn't set off the alarm since I have been flying with these shoes on for a while and have hence forgone the stupid ritual of taking my shoes off. Add to that the fact that the two women before me did not take off their shoes and were not asked to take off them off either.
Add to that the fact that the agent who did my second security check really half-assed it. First he scanned my shoes with the wand and determined that they caused the wand to beep and thus had to go through the scanner. I've been "second checked" multiple times over the past few years. Never have my shoes had to go through the scanner. He only did this because the first agent told him that I wouldn't take off my shoes. Then he did some stupid pat down, etc and said you're good and just walked away. My bag was never checked by hand.
My bag did not go through the bomb check routine that it so loves. Nothing. Just some half-assed attempt for the TSA Agent to feel good about herself, go on some stupied power trip, and waste my fuckin' time.
This anger towards the TSA is compounded by the fact that up until about a month ago, I had been flagged every time I flew. I had to go through the wonderful "second-check" every time I tried to board the plane. I won't weigh in on the issue of racial profiling at this time, but god damn...it was always me and some other minorities getting "second-checked." I brush it off most of the time in the name of safety but all this gives me less tolerance to stupid-ass people who don't know how to take their laptops out of their bags or to take their coat off, etc. at the gate.
I already have to come an extra half-hour early because I bet on the fact that I'll have to get "second-checked." Don't slow me up any more by fuckin' up the line because you're so ignant!
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