One of my good friends is a teacher at a public school in the Bronx and she asked me to pass this message along:
“Please consider using as your search engine from now on. For every search that is done through goodsearch, .01 will be donated to my school. It sounds like a small amount, but if enough of us use it we will raise a lot. Please help out.
Just go to and put in "CIS 303" as the cause you support.
We are a Title 1 school and in desperate need of money. Please spread the word to family and friends so we can earn more money to fund supplies and extra curriculars!”
This is a pretty cool and easy way to help out an organization. It really requires no effort except to switch up the search engine you are using. You can also add it to your built-in search toolbar in Firefox for ease of use. And if you’d rather support a different charity, you can do that too.
Labels: Friends
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