Oh Williams...I Don't Miss Thee...

During my senior year, I ran into a little bit of trouble with the school administration as well as a little bit of academic...let's call it "struggle." On a few occasions, I actually thought that I wouldn't graduate, but eventually I made it through my senior year, albeit, not as smoothly as I would have liked. However, after talking to my friend, it looks like I could have gotten into a whole lot of trouble my senior year and basically got out just in time. Without being too specific, our school started cracking down on people this year and a couple of people I knew got suspended and others reprimanded. In most of these cases, other students basically "snitched" on others to avoid punishment. I don't really like to talk about the whole "stop snitching" epidemic that seems to be such a popular thing these days, but I have to agree. How can you sell-out another person who was nothing but good to you? Again, to keep it as general as possible, my friend said my name was brought up a couple of times and I know that if I was still in school, some people would have thrown my name in to save their own ass. Williams is full of some cowardly, disrespectful people.
So yeah, do I miss Williams? Not really, though Clap You Hands say Yeah and Robert Randolph are performing for Spring Fling which I wish I could be at.
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