Wednesday, November 30, 2005

While during the body slumber the soul begins to wander

I really wish that were true for me, but lately, insomnia has been a tough habit to break. I was doing well for a while, actually getting on a normal sleep schedule. For a week, I almost went to bed by 1 am every night, but these last couple of days have been somewhat painful. In the last 3 days, I haven’t gone to bed before 3 am; last night, I eventually fell asleep around 4:30 am.

I think there are a couple possibilities for my fall back into insomnia. One reason is Thanksgiving break. Since I didn’t need to get up for work for a couple of days, I was free to stay up late without consequence, which I did every night while I was back in MN. But usually I can get back to my regular schedule pretty quickly. This doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, I think the real reason relates to my job.

To be honest, my job is not that challenging and the hours, though pretty amazing (basic 9-5), go by slowly so when I wake up in the morning, there isn’t a whole lot to look forward to. Pulling myself out of bed in the morning is a constant battle. The funny thing is that I don’t dread the actual job; what I dread most is the possibility that I won’t be able to fill the day. So I think, at least subconsciously, my job’s lack of urgency makes me feel less inclined to go to sleep early. I don’t fear being late for work. I don’t fear that I won’t get everything I need to get done in a day. Lucky me I guess. (Note: I’ve been hinting at a post about my job for a long time. Today marks a milestone so I’ll be putting up the “job post” sometime tonight tomorrow. Warning…it will be long.)


Blogger tamanna said...

eric, i am in the EXACT same situation

why do you think i have so much time to read and respond to everyone's journals, EVERY DAY?

i'm so tired. =\

8:26 AM  
Blogger Nob said...

Chin up man....I say quit the job, move to California and go into venture capital or something that you'd be better suited for. I mean c'mon, you in the insurance industry? You were meant for bigger things.

5:09 PM  
Blogger E said...

appreciate the encouragement man. we'll'll all be different in six months either way

12:14 PM  

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