Monday, November 29, 2004

3 more weeks

It's kind of a bittersweet feeling for many reasons. It's not the end of senior year, but it's marking the half-way point. Not sure how I feel about the year thus far...I keep thinking back to sophomore year for some reason. Sophomore year was suppossed to be the slump year, right? But all I have right now is great memories from that year. Everything seemed so much simpler, even though I know it wasn't. A lot of shit happened that year, but I think I was much more able to roll with the punches. Anyways, my eyes are getting tired and work isn't that pressing tonight. But I think I will come back and revisit these memories of sophomore year.

On a completely different note, I'm asking those who read this to do two things. First, please leave comments. It's nice to know that people are out there. Second, sort of in the same vein, answer this: Is it worth it to express your feelings even though you already know the outcome? I guess, is it necessary to get closure if its more of a one-sided thing (i.e. you're the only one who really needs closure). And, is it unfair to the other person to do so?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess if you think it'll affect the relationship that you currently have with that person maybe it's not fair to insist on expressing your feelings just cuz it'll give you closure. but then again if you think your relationship will be able to continue as it is after you tell her, maybe you should do it? if the reason is that you want to be honest with her, but still continue whatever friendship you have with her and stay committed to being a friend, possibly you should. if you just want to let it out and get closure, maybe you shouldn't. hmmm... am i making sense? i never see you! should come over to my place sometime so we can cook up a delicious storm =D are you around for winter study? -sulgi

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess if you think it'll affect the relationship that you currently have with that person maybe it's not fair to insist on expressing your feelings just cuz it'll give you closure. but then again if you think your relationship will be able to continue as it is after you tell her, maybe you should do it? if the reason is that you want to be honest with her, but still continue whatever friendship you have with her and stay committed to being a friend, possibly you should. if you just want to let it out and get closure, maybe you shouldn't. hmmm... am i making sense? i never see you! should come over to my place sometime so we can cook up a delicious storm =D are you around for winter study? -sulgi

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Eric! Try not to stress about things -- everything will work out -- and be honest with yourself. If you need closure, tell her whatever; the marginal cost of her time/awkwardness will be greatly offset by your closure -- as long as it is definitely closure, not another attempt to try to start a relationship, and you move on. Good luck and know that you have lots of friends, Drew

7:21 PM  
Blogger ben said...

you know how hard it is for me to give you a straight answer about this.. mostly because i have no idea.. clousure and moving on. two things i still don't understand myself.

just be honest with yourself, eric.

take care.

1:19 AM  
Blogger akka said...

hmmm. i'm not so sure about that one. change is unpredictable, yeah? so to change the status quo without knowing the outcome... but maybe i'm just a wimp.

1:55 PM  

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