Saturday, May 15, 2004

A Crazy Couple Days

So I'm about to do something that I truly hate to find in someone's blog, but fuck it, i need to do so, partly as a theraputic step for myself. I'm going to summarize the last couple of days in one post.

So on Wednesday, I had a really great talk with one of my frosh. I can't even say how important it was too me, because a lot of things I said to him were things that have been plaguing me for a very long time. In particular, I talked to him about taking advantage of the time he has here to build meaningful relationships. Yes, it is important to be involved in things and to have some responsibilities, but at some point, you just need to do things for yourself. I'm going to really regret if I leave this place without forming some great friendships. I also realized when talking to my frosh that I'm going to miss the seniors who are graduating so much I'm going to miss Reka, Drew, Adam, Jeff, Maria, Dan, AC, Chin, Susie, etc. Man, I hope graduation never comes cause its going to be hard to say goodbye.

Anyways, on Thursday, nothing too significant happened. I did, however, go and get a pedicure with Dani and Cameron. It was actually a lot of fun. Wish I had spent more time iwth Cameron this year. Anyways, the pedicure was so much fun. First one for both me and Cameron. Also, on the suggestion of Dani, I got my nails painted. Weird? Yes. They're "Prince Charming?" Orange. Also, I need to talk about going to the Good Question acapella concert. At first, I stooed with Barry as we watched the show. It was a pretty good show and Susie rocked th house. Eventually Adam showed up and he was ridiculous. Ridiculously giidy. All I can say is that I love Adam Grogg and I'm going to miss him so much.

Today was the last day of class and to celebrate, I celebrated with my entry, playing beirut and getting completely trashed. And at this point, I can;t even begin to finish the going ons of this night. Least to say, I love my entry. I love my co. Wesley is great to. Chessie, sorry for making fun of you. Don't be mad at Maria. And to someone, else don't make up fake excuses. That's just bullshit. Don't assume things about me that aren't true anymore.


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